Solving the Aches and Pains of Runners

 The Mysterious Causes of Back, Hip, Knee, Foot and Leg Pain for Runners  

 Do you have aches and pains for no apparent reason from running? You are not alone.  

There is a common theme these days I have noticed that combines BAD posture and the yearning to run races of 3-26 miles!  

Just imagine running or walking over 50,000 steps per week, and that’s for beginners, each little joint abnormality may not be much, but multiply it 50,000 times a week and you’ve got some major problems after months of running, maybe even after weeks.  

This leads to 1) knee pain 2) hip pain 3) low back pain 4) foot pain 5) degeneration of joints and eventually arthritis and much, much more.  

 Fortunately, I have some solutions for you that have worked for tons of my clients.  

 Here is Tip # 1 – Please stay tuned for more tips  

 Sitting position at desk   


Your phone, computer screen, client, etc. force you to turn to one side of your desk more often than not, which cause your upper body to be twisted on top of your hips, and it will stay like this all the time because this posture is the most dominant posture in your life recently. 

When you stand, sit, walk, run, drive and more your body will habitually be turned to that one side (just like at your desk).  

The problem with this is that when you try to run with this posture your hips and legs are pointing one way as your torso points another! This creates a lot of wear and tear and unnecessary pounding in the lower body.  


1) Check your posture to see if you are crooked. Start by standing up with your feet pointed forward and assume your natural posture. Now look down at your hands and hips. Do you see one side more forward than the other? If so this is how you run! Not good.  

2) Whichever side is forward when you looked down is the side that needs to be stretched backwards. Use both of the following stretches below for the side that is forward on you.  

Stretch for Right Side Forward


Stretch for Left Side Forward


3) Keep your entire body facing whatever you are doing at the desk, i.e. don’t have your legs pointing one way and your body the other way.  

4) Now practice this new-found straight forward when you run!